
Miss Rockabillaque 2016 Pinup Contest

mellBella Boudoir & PinUp Photography is proud to sponsor  of Rockabillaque 2016!  It is the 4th Annual Festival in Park Circle / North Charleston on Sat, Nov 12th presented by Vive Le Rock Productions! We are hosting of this year’s Miss Rockabillaque 2016 Pin-Up Contest! The winner will win a photo-shoot with us and lots more! Register to be a Contestant at

Don’t forget to stop by our mellBella Pinup Booth near The Barbeque Joint stage to say hey to Wanda, Mell Bell, and Cecilee!

At our booth, you can enter our contest for another chance to win a FREE mellBella Pinup Photo Shoot with us including hair and makeup! We also will have a very special pinup offer ONLY available for those ladies who come to our booth at Rockabillaque.

pinup contest miss rockabillque 2016


Rockabillaque is an All Day FREE to Attend Event including a Classic Car & Vintage Motorcycle Show (11-5pm), Live Music all Day & Night, Pin-Up Contest, Vendors, Tattoo Contest (Adult & Kids), Beard & Mustache Competition, Swing Dance Classes, Mr Rockabilly Contest, Fashion Show, a Photo Booth & More!! Full Schedule including Music Line-Up coming soon. More info at

Presented by The Barbeque Joint, Pabst Blue Ribbon and American Biker. Other Sponsors include 105.5 The Bridge, 98 Rock, MellBella Boudoir & PinUp Photography, Lowbrow Customs, Sourpuss Clothing, Cooper River Hydrographics & Printing, Hot Jazz Dance Club,  Holy City Beard & Moustache Society, and more!

A Benefit for This is Noteworthy (TIN) and Movember

Come out to Rockabillaque on Saturday Nov 12th!













rockabilly girl in the spotlight

Rock with Us at Rockabillaque 2015 in Park Circle

mellBella Boudoir & PinUp Photography is proud to sponsor  of Rockabillaque 2015!

Stop by our mellBella Pinup Booth to say hey to Mell Bell and Wanda and register for a chance to win a FREE mellBella Boudoir or PinUp Session with us including hair and makeup!

Plus, we are the Co-Presenters of this years Miss Rockabillaque 2015 Pin-Up Contest! The winner will win a photo-shoot with us and lots more! Register to be a Contestant at!pin-up-contest/czzg

rockabilly pinup


Vive Le Rock Productions presents the 3rd Annual Festival in Park Circle / North Charleston on Sat, Nov 14th! An all day event including a Classic Car & Vintage Motorcycle Show (12-5pm), Live Music all Day & Night, Miss Rockabillaque 2015 Pin-Up & Mister Rockabillaque Contests, Vendors, Fashion Show, Tattoo Contest, Beard & Mustache Competition, Swing Dance Classes, Kid’s Tattoo Contest & Fashion Show, a Photo Booth & More!!

Come out to Rockabillaque on Saturday Nov 14th!


Free Rockabilly Show 2015