• Boudoir
    classy | sexy | empowering

What to Expect

Once you decide you want to do a mellBella Boudoir session, you may feel a bit nervous. That’s okay. You may feel excited AND nervous. That’s okay, too. We walk you through every step of the process. From step 1 of booking your appointment, to creating your photos and order, we make it easy. We send you a few emails prior to your session that give helpful ideas on what to wear, directions, etc. Your shoot should last approximately 2 hours depending on the shoot you book. Then after your shoot, we’ll schedule your reveal appointment typically within 2 weeks after your boudoir session. We can schedule your reveal appointment in the studio or online. At the BIG reveal, you’ll get to pick your favorites and decide what you wish to create with the portraits. Products normally take 3 – 6 weeks to come in.

Boudoir Galleries

Our Values

  • EVERY BODY is beautiful. EVERY SINGLE BODY is freaking gorgeous simply because it exists. AND EVERY Person is more than just their bodies.
  • Boudoir Photography is for ALL genders.
  • To Celebrate YOUR version of beautiful, sexy, happy, strong, silly, sensual, etc.
  • Confirmation, Detoxification, Communication, Exhilaration, Declaration, and Affirmation of each client.
  • To Create a Safe Space of respect, trust, peace, vulnerability, emotions, and comfort combined with fun and laughter for each client.
  • To have an experience that puts back into someone…reminding them to value themselves… appreciate their bodies… AND yes, even CELEBRATE.

We are told every day, how we are not perfect or good enough, everywhere we look. We want to give that back to you! The thought that, you are enough. You. ARE. Beautiful! Now, right now. You are more than the outside package, it’s everything about you.  We want you to have evidence to remind you on those bad days when you’re fighting with self doubt.

“You are a very special person. There is only one like you in the whole world. There’s never been anyone exactly like you before, and there will never be again. Only you. And people can like you exactly as you are.”  — Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)

And that means you can like yourself too…exactly are you are.

The Experience

Doing a mellBella Boudoir shoot is truly an experience, an empowering yet vulnerable experience. You will be surprised how much you get out of it. While creating a gift is one of the many reasons to do a shoot, the confidence and pampering is for Y-O-U! Plus, you are creating this gift for someone special… YOU are the someone special. 

When you walk into our Salon for hair and makeup, skin pampering, or other grooming, we want you to feel relaxed, while drinking  your beverage of choice. Our hair and makeup artists will help you pick the best colors, style, and skin care for you. Going for a natural, a vixen, a glam’d up, masculine, feminine, androgynous, look? No problem! If you have any questions or concerns about your hair or skin, please let us know. We work with several stylists who are great with allergies, matching skin tones, and styling natural and curly hair. 

We want you to feel relaxed for a day as you enter our boudoir dressing room. It’s all yours– personal and private.  Spread out the outfits you brought, and feel free to take over the whole room. We will look through the outfits with you, to help choose the best options for your shoot. Don’t forget you can borrow something from our mellBella Client Closet too. Dare to wear something new and different.

Once you are are dressed, we have a little chat together. We WANT to know what you are nervous about, why you decided to do this, if you have any concerns. We’ll ask you to create a “Happy Thought”. It’s the thought you refer to in your head, when you freeze up and you get nervous.

As we begin your shoot, we walk you through every pose. You don’t have to worry about what to do or how to make a “sexy” look.  We show you a few of your photos along the way, so you know what we are seeing and how you are doing. No, we don’t have magic photoshop cameras, those photos on the back of the camera are really Y-O-U.

After your shoot, we want you to leave feeling like you gained something back, refreshed, confident, with a glimmer in your eye, swagger in your walk, and a smile on your face.

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