2023 Intentions- Work In Progress
Obviously, I’ve never had much luck with New Year’s Resolutions (especially as I’m FINALLY writing this at the end of March). Every year though, I like to choose a few words that I want to remember or be my theme for the year. Honestly, I couldn’t choose, and this year, I was having trouble finding the words that fit together.
I thought about how many things I’m changing at the studio. I’m getting rid of some furniture and accessories, setting up new sets, updating some samples, etc. I’ve completed even more continuing education business and customer service courses. I finished up an Intro to Improv Class. I didn’t realize just how much fun I would have and how it’s helped my creativity in photography too. Can we just take a breath and recognize that the last few years have been EXTRA hard? HUG.
This year’s intention/theme is Work In Progress. Last year was WAP (Whole Ass Person), and this year is WIP. Whip it good! I feel like I’m in a growing season, and I have sooooo many things I want to do. But I’m only 1 person, and I have to focus on Progress NOT Perfection. Every client, I’ve had this year so far gets it. We’re pulled in so many directions that it feels like we’re constantly running and going nowhere. Kind of like the cartoon Scooby Doo where he gets scared and tries to run but stays in the same place.

A Work In Progress is more like partially controlled chaos. There’s multiple moving parts, and a certain order that they have to go in. It’s hard and at times uncertain, but there IS progress. So what does this have to do with boudoir photography?
I’ve been doing SOOOO much work behind the scenes, and there’s progress but it’s still a WIP. I’ve done my research, and no one else offers anything like it here. Let’s just say it goes beyond boudoir. Hang in there friends! It will be worth the wait.